Wanda's Picks

Wanda's Picks Radio Show



January is Sexual Trafickking Awareness Month.  Sharan Dhanoa, Director of Strategic Development for the South Bay Coalition to End Human Trafficking, joins us to talk about this public health emergency that flies to low on the radar, no one is aware of the danger our young Black and Brown girls and boys face. She has organized a series of conversations for the public to educate us about the problem, who's at risk and what can be done to stop it. Sharan facilitates collaboration amongst over thirty-five member agencies. In May 2014, she began facilitating the largest multi-county workgroup in the Bay Area, No Traffick Ahead, which is unifying efforts in eight counties in order to effectuate collective impact across sectors. Prior to joining the Coalition, Sharan worked with women trafficked into sexual exploitation in Calcutta, India, by aiding their development through economic empowerment. She started her career in crime research, has worked in crime surveillance, and in an emergency psychiatric facili