Wanda's Picks

Wanda's Picks Radio Show Special



We speak to Benji Carver, programmer, about the 17th Annual Hole in the Head Film Festival Dec. 11-27, 2020 via Eventive.org and Zoom.us. W speak about several films with themes related to African and African Disapora interests and films with SF Bay area directors.  The festival will once again bring the freshest new independent genre films from around the world to San Francisco audiences. The festival will include over forty feature films, and over 250 short films - all available on demand through Eventive. Selected content will also screen live on Zoom during special weekend shows, featuring audience Q&As with the filmmakers. Tickets are $10; a full pass is $125, ten film pass is $75 and five film pass is $40. There are also numerous free programs. For all festival information, visit https://ahith2020.eventive.org/welcome. Free Preview on Zoom tomorrow night starting at 6 pm. Register here: https://us02web.zoom.us/webinar/register/WN_KyiIe2_cSW-Y_Mcd18wHOg  We'll be screening trailers and speaking