Joyce Barrie & Friends

Democracy vs Idiocracy - Dr. Bob Ruotolo



Dr. Bob Ruotolo is an extraordinary teacher, mentor and leader.  Today, Dr. Bob talks about the insanity that prevails in this new administration.  We are asked to believe "alternative facts."  We are given lie after lie from the mouth of our newly elected government officials. What can one do the stop the insanity!!! Today we will shed light on the difference between Democracy and Idiocracy.  We will shed light on why more than half this country is fearful of our own government, and why people all over the world are laughing at us.  Clearly, America is headed in the wrong direction. The point of this show is to inspire one and all to STOP the complaints and START to make a difference.  We have to save this country and make it the country we can all be proud of once again.  We must do our part.  "In unity, there is strength."