Grief Burrito

Spooky Burrito -Sekiro, Cadence of Hyrule, Oddworld Soulstorm, Alien Shorts Synopsis & Stardust Ranch! Feat. Babyfist



Welcome to our first SPOOKY BURRITO! Our monthly Paranormal Episode where we dive into a spoopy case and come to a conclusion on if it's true! This week's case is the notorious and alien infested Stardust Ranch. This weeks new play is Sekiro: Shadows Die Twice, it's tough. Japanese. And Shinobi-y, find out Hazz's latest opinions! We also cover news on the latest Legend of Zelda title; Cadence of Hyrule and ride the hypetrain towards Oddworld Soulstorm. Keeping with the alien theme, and at a listeners request, we even have a run down of the stories taking place in the six new short Alien films! Your burrito is looking a little green... COZ IT'S TIME FOR SPOOKY BURRITO!