Destiny Talk

I Will Fear No Evil



Ephesians 6:13, Therefore put on the whole armor of God, so that when the day of evil comes, you may be able to stand your ground, and after you have done everything, to stand, Psalms 119:28, My soul is weary wutg sorry; strengthen me according to your word   We are transitioning into a possbile new world normal. Daily in our lives things are changing, information is being updated daily. We are feeling left out and empty within our personal lives. We know and understand that we are strong and have always been able to get out of siduatios that were confusing and challenging. We now need peace and comfort from Jesus to know that he see and know what his next move will be.  In the bible Job did not know his, why?, He didn't understand what happened to him. He didn't understand why his life had taken a turn, why his life seem to go backward instead of continuing to advance. He couldn't wrap his head around the, why? In the bible, David went from receiving a promise from God to being tormented by Saul, mental