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How to Free Your Body, Mind, and Soul During Covid-19 (And Feel Better Now)!!! Michael Sandler and CJ Liu



If you’ve ever felt trapped, stuck, or like you’re living in groundhog day or being swallowed up by the earth, then do we have the Get Out and Party show for you. Today we’ll talk about freeing your body, freeing your spirit, and freeing your mind during this interesting time.  Key Points Discussed: Opening a massage parlor during COVID-19: Massaging squirrels and chipmunks (02:50) Bathing in nature: The time to get out and be one with nature (07:25) How CJ got sucked into the earth by a sand trap during a hike (08:01) Being more free during this time by letting go of plans (13:36) Michael and Jessica focusing on what their highest good is and hiring a chef to help with that (15:39) Reinventing our lives while acquiring more space and freedom (20:48) Using the extra time from working at home to do more fulfilling things (24:18) Practicing the word NO and buying ourselves the time to get our lives back again (26:38) How washing the dishes can be the ultimate mindfulness exercise (29:44) Dissolving the walls w