Collections By Michelle Brown

Collections by Michelle Brown WSG BRCSJ Chief Activist Robt Seda-Schreiber



Chief Activist of the Bayard Rustin Center for Social Justice Robt Seda-Schrieber continues to find ways to serve the LGBTQ community. Like many nonprofits during these days of social-distancing, quarantines, and shutdowns the Center has had to shut its doors, canceling its programs and suspending services. Another unintended consequence is the loss of funds not just in donations but from cancellation of training the Center provides to local businesses, organizations, and schools. It is a double whammy! The Center is surviving while it continues to provide for the community while its doors are closed,  Organizations like the Bayard Rustin Center for Social Justice are showing up for us, providing virtual space for gathering in the Princeton, New Jersey community like so many others across the country. Weeknights the Cheif Activist Robt Seda Schreiber reaches out to the community virtually with the BRCSJ  Social Justice Power Hour. Programs include "Drag Queen Monday," Queer Yoga on Tuesday, an Open Mic as w