Trucker Dump - A Trucking Podcast

TD049: Fear and Loathing of Electronic Logs



In today's podcast, I battle my fear of electronic logs by enlisting a Twitter friend, @Dean0806 who's already been using e-logs for a while. He helps us understand how his system works and explains that each trucking company can set up the system differently. He also addresses some of my fears. Mentioned in the podcast is Jason from the Truck Driver's News Web site, the guy who graciously (or stupidly) let me guest post on his site. Also briefly mentioned is my love of Planners, as explained in the podcast called, "When Planners Don't." Got a second to Rate and/or Review the podcast? Download the intro/outro songs for free! courtesy of Walking On Einstein. Mystery Feedback Song - Only a cheater would click this before listening to the podcast! You aren't a cheater, are you?