Trucker Dump - A Trucking Podcast

TD067: The Road to Smutville



Yep. That's right. Today we talk about the many sexual temptations you'll face as a driver and how the smut vendors are targeting truckers. This is NOT a diatribe again porn. This is America and you have the right to fill your brain (and your hand) with whatever you want. This is simply a warning for those of you who are considering truck driving as a career. Or I suppose if you're pro-smut, it's an offer you can't refuse. Mentioned in the podcast are the Las Vega billboards seeking porno "actors." Yes, really. This blog post was also used over at the Good Men Project Web site to much different results than on my own Web site. Check out the comment firestorm from that one if you've got a day-and-a-half to burn. LOL Got a second to Rate and/or Review the podcast? Download the intro/outro songs for free! courtesy of Walking On Einstein. Mystery Feedback Song - Only a cheater would click this before listening to the podcast! You aren't a cheater, are you?