Trucker Dump - A Trucking Podcast

TD076: The Spitting "Christian" Zealot



Here we go again. Off on a rat hole that has only one tiny morsel of a trucking tip in it. It's a good one though. Surrounding that tip I tell the story of meeting Bruiser, one of my fellow company drivers, and the zealousness that ensued. This is not a preachy lecture. I actually address how true Christians are supposed to treat those outside the faith. These are simply things I learned from the two Christian podcasts I listen to, which are Walk in the Word and Living on the Edge, and reading the Bible myself. Suffice it to say, the "Christian" group that is always making the news is "doing it wrong." Unless, of course, their Bible is conveniently missing a bunch of pages. There are too many links to Bible verses to mention here, so go to the blog post for that. There is also an article about single parent family statistics and the greater risks that women face after an abortion. Links in the feedback section include Eric's Flickr page, a video by Trucker Steve, and a story I told on Google+ about a run-i