Trucker Dump - A Trucking Podcast

TD104: Complacency Strikes



Back in TD97: A Trucker's Worst Nemesis: Complacency, I talked about something bad that almost happened. Well, apparently I didn't learn my lesson because this time a bad thing did happen… twice. I also deliver some lame excuses for it being six months since the last podcast. Links in the podcast: The Evil Overlord (wife and ex-codriver) recently had neck surgery. Check out the photos of the X-ray and her neck scar. The Trucker Dump podcast is now part of the lineup on, an Australian-based 24/7 Internet radio station that focuses on the transportation and mining industries. Check it out! @DriverChrisMC and his blog post about complacency My failure in regards to I Thessalonians 5:18 My podcast/blog post about Sliding trailer tandems and bridge laws The first of many podcast/blog post about electronic logbooks IFTA (International Fuel Tax Agreement) If you don't know who Lurch is, check out this video clip My podcast/blog post called What Makes The Evil Overlord, Evil? Dudes; check