Hvac Know It All Podcast

Work Order Software w/Roland Lightenberg



In this episode we talk with Roland Lightenberg, co-founder of Housecall Pro, field service software...or work order software. We discuss the past, present and future of the niche industry and what eventually lead to the creation of Housecall Pro. HappyHVACing! housecallpro.com/hvacknowitall Save 8% on your purchase at trutechtools.com using promo code knowitall at check out. Preferred Testo pricing link https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSeOC8oQB97trj6XKDWRylM2ILFlnVjYG1GnTT2lRWT8-K4weQ/viewform Testo 470 Tachometer https://www.testo.com/en-US/testo-470/p/0563-0470 Navac NP2DLM https://navacglobal.com/product/smart-vacuum-pumps-np2dlm/