Black Freethinkers

Progressives, Democrats, and a swarm of flies.



Please join us as we discuss Progressives, Democrats, and the swarm of flies that are buzzing around. Some people say that you can get more flies with honey than vinegar. Truthfully, you can attract the most flies with big, steamy piles of sh*t. Both ruling class establishment parties have been dumping on the Black and #NBPOC communities from the very beginning and I don't see it ending any time soon. They have not pushed any meaningful, long standing laws or policies that are long overdue to the Black community. Why do we continue to support them? The mass media is very responsible for the 3 ring circus that we are currently navigating. So, let's help them out. We should start trolling them back. They started it. As I have stated before, we should strive to “Be Best.” I have some suggestions for 2024. I'll delve into that more on the show.