Black Freethinkers

Dear Black Church: Making it rain for Jesus



Please join us Sunday at 1PM CST as we discuss how Michael Bloomberg and Donald Trump are making it rain for Jesus. I reckon that these two billionaires, well one billionaire and the other one plays one on reality television, can pass through the eye of a needle. While many of you are looking to the hills from whence your help comes, your pastors, musicians, and leaders are selling indulgences and making merchandise of you. The line between having faith that God will supply your needs and your blessings are stored in heaven are being blurred and decimated by those who want their rewards now by any means necessary. Rewards that they have no plans on sharing with you. Feel free to call in to share the good news about how Bloomberg and Trump are instruments of God working for the good of those who love the Lord.  Call 310-982-4273 and press 1 to talk.