Happy Hour With Dennis And Erik

Ep. 11 - Work the Body, Grow the Mind



Buy a round! Become a Patron! Links Paw Paw Brewing Company Santiago Matamoros – Saint James the Moor-slayer (Wikipedia) Sadly, our research team was unable to find Dennis’ published essay in US Catholic Magazine George Bush: ‘God told me to end the tyranny in Iraq’ (The Guardian) “Jewish Child”? “Muslim Child”? “Christian Child”? (Richard Dawkins Foundation) My oft-repeated (some might say too oft) point about the absurdity – indeed wickedness – of labelling children with the religion of their parents (“Would you speak of a ‘Postmodernist child’, or a ‘Gramscian Marxist child’?”) is usually effective. People nearly always get the point immediately, although whether their future consciousness is raised to the point of actually wincing, as I do, whenever they hear ‘Catholic child’ or ‘Muslim child’ is another matter. Honduras Lost City of the Monkey God Discovered (The Guardian) Pizza Vesuvio (Paris) Michael Moore’s documentary clip on Finland’s school system (YouTube) Where to Invade Next (Wikiped