Community Garden Revolution

Kroger and Walmart sales soar on Produce, Old Farmers Almanac has Gardening Club



Greetings!  Things are perking up for Fruits and Vegetables Sales!  America wants to eat more healthy!  So, big box retailers Kroger and Walmart are seeing their Produce sales skyrocket.  With all the super high designed Produce sections, it is paying off.  Even Meijet Supermarket has redesigned their area and it is  a FRESH looking site, IMO.  Hopefully, more folks will become more healthy eating more Fruits and Vegetables.  Even Kroger has seen a surge on Organic product sales.  So, America, keep eating more Healthy!  Bravo!  The Old Farmers Almanac has a special going on with their Garden Club.  I'll go over some Details on that.  Make 2020 shine, it is coming soon!  Lets take in all the wonders out there to help us eat more healthy, use those tools and, plow forward eating more Fruits and Vegetables, more Healthy!  THANKS! for listending!  Have a Great Community Garden Day!  Mary K. Hukill, Show Host, Publisher, Author  See our Digital Magazine "Community Garden Magazine" at in the Health