Collections By Michelle Brown

Collections by Michelle Brown WSG Western Michigan Activist Marshall Kilgore



Ask people about the state of Michigan and certain images are bound to come to mind – Motown, the auto industry, Detroit and probably that giant mitten. It’s a really big state geographically but its also a state rich in history. For many African Americans, their history follows a path from ancestral homes in the south to Detroit often as part of the northern migration. But what many don’t realize is that many African Americans, some as early as the underground railroad days settled in western Michigan. Marshall Kilgore was born and raised in on the west side of the state in Comstock Park, a little town on the outskirts of Grand Rapids. He believes that having grown up in Comstock Park gives him a different perspective. He learned how to code-switch very early on and very quickly meaning that he learned how to work within the majority, learning how to navigate while still keeping true to who you are as well. Kilgore is an activist working for marginalized communities including communities of color, the LGB