Lina Jones Diamondnetwork Show

the melting pot of talents&creativity



What's up #Diamonds! Thank you for your continued support of the show and the people who come on the show to expose their business, talents, and creativity. Every so often I am blessed to have a different kind of talent and creativity on my show, this weeks guest is and Actor and a Writer Mr. Bryan Casserly! I am always excited to bring new guest to you this actor started at age 8 and is still moving doing his thing! He not only acts he writes as well along with being easy on the eyes. You can check out some of his acting films on his website at that way you can see the face behind the voice and ask questions for those looking to get into acting and/or writing the studio line is always open at #347-237-4697. I will also have a comedy skit from my #DiamondComedian Brian T. Shirley host of the BTS radio show on Kinetic HiFi and music. I will be a guest on Brian's show on November 19th 2014 at 4:30 tune in to find out what we will be talking about although I'm not sure what it is