Lina Jones Diamondnetwork Show

#DiamondForum Holiday Show



What's up Diamonds, Thank you for your continued support of the show my guest and the #IndependentMusicArtist that I promote on the show. I am very excited because this Monday is my #DiamondForum Holiday Show! This time I will be hosting the show a little different this will be my first Holiday Show and I have invited a #socialfriend to co-host with me. We will talk about our family traditions, share ideas, recipes and more! My Co-Host will be Author Jacqueline Rainey she has written three books Through Whose Eyes,  Toni's Blues and her latest Dark Harmonie available on Kindle.  She was my very 1st guest  on this show on April 7th 2014, it was my 5th episode and I had not had a guest yet, you know what they say "you never forget your first anything" she made me feel very comfortable we laughed and talked as if we had known each other forever she was as nervous as I was. Then she came back and was one of my first #DiamondForum Show she and Author Regina Puckett was my first Panel Guest on June 23rd 2014, I h