Lina Jones Diamondnetwork Show

Action Packed Muscles w/Actor/Stunt Man Kevin Mattson



What's up Diamonds, Thank you all for listening the year is moving on fast wow! I cannot believe we are in February and March is right around the corner! Before you know it the cherrry blossoms will be blooming and it will be spring again. March is a special month for the show because it will be the shows first anniversary! Yep! 1 year ago March 3rd 2014 I had my very first show I thank all of you who stayed with me throughout the year #muchappreciation. February is going to be an exciting month for the show with romance, action, music and business.  We will be kicking off February with a very talented and muscular guest. Actor/Stunt Performer/Visual Effects/ Fitness, Guru and much, much, more Kevin Mattson CEO of Papa Bear. Kevin's talents are non-stop check out the photo slide show of this dude. If you like muscles and action this is definitely the interview that you want to listen too, also find out what's its like to be a stunt man.  Bringing you #goodstuff #interestingguest all the time. Music promos