Lina Jones Diamondnetwork Show

My Romantic Perspeective Happy Valentines Day



What's up Diamonds, Thank you for supporting the show this week has been especially busy trying to get all things new established for the show on Monday. I missed my sharing&caring #Humpday I'll make it upto you... not sure how but I'm sure I'll think of something. I am really looking forward to this discussion when I will be pulling #Sweetiepie my assistant into this one, she'll be representing for the young women in their early 20's around 23ish looking for something a little serious. Sharing with us her personal experiences with dating and trying to find Mr. Right, are we living in a Mr. Wrong world? Then we will hear from the newly wed late twenty's early 30's still getting comfortable with the whole marriage thing, been married for a couple of years and now ready to try and start a family. Is the romance still there once you start talking baby? Are you getting bored already? Find out on Monday. Next there is the 30 something we call it that because you're getting to close to 40 to fast kids are d