Lina Jones Diamondnetwork Show

Its All About Care Total Care Givers Owner and CEO Shayla Nicole



What's up #Diamonds! Here we are for another week of entrepreneurial guest! I thank you you listening to the show,  following us in social media and #supporting our guest and the #IndieArtist music we playI asked for your continued support and thank you in advance for it. Monday's guest doesn't fall short on her entrepreneurial role Owner and CEO Shayla Nicole of Total Caregivers has a lot of responsibility. My guest Shayla has a special type of concierge service the differenc is her services specialize in care childcare, Senior care, pet care, I just some of the services that she provides. I'll be talking with this unique multitasker finding out how she's able to handle this type of service as well as work with the team to help build a company with these ever so needed services. Please join us as we talk one-on-one on the show Monday. As you all are aware this is the last week to get your audio in for "Talent In 10" to be ready for the premier next Monday 4/27/15. In case you don't remember what you need