Lina Jones Diamondnetwork Show

The Premier of Talent In 10 Project



What's up #Diamonds, It's hard to believe the last Monday in April is here already! Wow time sure is flying by before you know it New Years will be here I'll still be around (God willing) and hopefully you will too. Thank you for taking the time to listen and support the show every week I give you much gratitude and humble appreciation. Monday makes for an exciting show it is finally the premier of the long-awaited “Talent In 10” show! I am so excited to show off some talent I did get one book reading and the promise of more to come for next month show so make sure you stay tuned. “Talent In 10” is all about showing what you know this gives participants the opportunity to have other people hear their talent or book or listen to a movie trailer that they’ve produced, music, poem’s and more. How it works is upon playing the audio the link will be posted so that you can have a visual view if any of that particular talent. You have the option to click on the link to watch the video or read Tweet, purchase the b