Lina Jones Diamondnetwork Show

Networking opportunities with Entrepreneur Network Marketer Robert McNulty



What's Up Diamonds! Last week I was in #podcast mode this week I will have a live show then back to podcast mode for two more weeks. I hope you enjoyed my podcast episode last week and got some great Brand Building tips, and for those who haven’t listened yet you can listen at anytime. I am busy connecting with new talent, music and guest for the show so my vacation is not really a vacation. After this live show I will be in podcast mode for two more Monday’s June 15th and June 22nd returning for “Talent In 10” episode on June 29th. Monday’s guests Robert McNulty is our resident Network Marketer he is an entrepreneur by trade in the network marketing business. If you ever thought about network marketing and not sure how to make money with it he is the man you want to listen and talk to he’s super #friendly great contact. If you’re looking to invest in a Network Marketing opportunity he can guide you with that as well.  Monday he’s going to talk about a new Network Marketing opportunity that’s geared towards