Lina Jones Diamondnetwork Show

Author & Forbes Top 10 Social Media Power Influences Ted Coine'



What's Up #Diamonds Welcome to another episode of the Lina Jones DiamondNetwork Show , and as always I thank you for your support, for listening, and downloading this shows episodes. I ask for your continued support of this show, the guest, entrepreneurs, businesses, music, filmmakers and talent that this show supports. I enjoy talking with them and hope you are enjoying listening to us on your computer, tablet, lab top and mobile phones. Monday’s guest is Mr. Ted Coine’ is one of Forbes Top 10 Social Media Power Influencer’s, I know I just said mouthful but that’s nothing compared to Ted’s background. He is also one of the “Top 100 Leadership Experts”. Now I know I usually have something to say about the “experts” because I feel that no one is really an “expert” when it comes to social media I think it’s a loaded pistol and the bullets can land anywhere. But I give props where props is due and Ted Coine’ is one of them, he is one of those people that actually get it. Not only does he get it! He’s spreading