Lina Jones Diamondnetwork Show

New Businesses Coming Out Owner/CEO of Miniature Me Academy Miss. Joy



What's Up #Diamonds, Here we are again with a new week, and a new episode of the LJDN Show! So far this month has brought some interesting and challenging guest. This show has brought happiness to so many of my guest, given free exposure to their companies and helped  increase there social media connections. results vary just like advertisement only thing is my show does charge you any money for it. I thank all of you for that your #continued support it’s what keeps this show going #muchappreciated #loveDiamonds.  All I can say is it’s free, and it’s here, so why not use it… that’s why the show was created. Monday’s guests understand the meaning of free advertisement because when she opened her center she looked for it and utilized every avenue that offered it. My Monday’s guest is Miss. Joy (formally known as) Miss. Monique the now Owner and CEO of her very own child care facility called Miniature Me Academy. Yep! She did it! Most of you who have been listening to my show since last year remember my inter