Lina Jones Diamondnetwork Show

Podcast Interview with Social Media Consultant John Lusher



What's Up #Diamonds! I cannot be on the show live Monday due to two deaths in my family in the same week, yes! My family has been gathering and I need to be with them during this time of sympathy. No worries though because I've left you with one of my favorite interviews podcast. This is a podcast withe one of my new social friends Social Media Consultant John Lusher, get ready to hear some good conversation! We talked about brand building in social networks all the time on this show and it's nice to welcome different opinions in the field that can add some strategic insights on a few of the best practices in social networking.  Listen in... you won't want to miss this one again. You can find John on Facebook I call him the #coffeeman because he's always saying hello to his followers with a cup of coffee. This is a podcast, phone lines will be closed. Don't forget to check out September's calendar! Find out who's the new classic interview. Classic interviews  are interviews of guest from 2014. Also read my