Movie Addict Headquarters

Halloween Fun Fest with Nikki Star & Friends



Movie Addict HQ begins Halloween month with a Halloween Fun Fest featuring short clips from two of our favorite interviews. Through the magic of imagination and technology,  guests Bela Lugosi and Boris Karloff join the late great entertainer George Bettinger and talented actress/singer Lizette Amado-Bettinger in a lively discussion about which movie is the scariest one ever made.  Next, actor Barry Bostwick – who plays Susan Sarandon’s naïve boyfriend in The Rocky Horror Picture Show – talks about the famous Rocky Horror midnight screenings with BlogTalkRadio CEO Alan Levy, one of the first fans participating in those unique events that helped make this outrageous film so successful.    Lugosi is best known for his creepy performance as Dracula in the 1931 film of the same name, and Karloff for his scary monster in Frankenstein -- also released in 1931. Bostwick has appeared in over 100 films and television productions. He may be best-known as the clueless mayor on Spin City. However, he’s a triple-threat e