Rainbow Soul

Faceted Gems with Diane Murray Ward



Diane Murray Ward hosts this final episode of "Faceted Gems". This series was designed to encourage listeners via the life experiences of guests who are practioners of various fields. Some guests developed 2nd and 3rd careers! We are all "facted gems". We have multiple gifts and talents. Our potential to actualize these blessings requires our attention, focus , development and belief. Some guests had supportive families on these career ventures, others received positive energy from peers, and friends.  All shared in the "leap of faith" in themselves  and their inner abilities  We grow and learn from the struggles we undertake towards actualizing our full  potential. Listen to archived shows.Become emboldened , inspired, conscious of your inner talents and strengths. Continue to evolve, emit and share with all of us the glow emminating from you, a faceted gem.   Dear guests, thank you for suporing these efforts, you have been wonderful blessings! .