Boss Of Me Radio

ROCK Your Stilettos, Suits, and Sweats with Business Strategist T. Renee Smith



Business Strategist, Coach T. Renee Smith started a business at 19, on credit, with NO business experience and NO plan! She has built successful marketing, real estate, technology and entertainment companies. She  went from driving a Mercedes, living in an 8,000 square foot home, shopping for designer clothes, dining at fancy restaurants and spending days at the spa to being served with lawsuits and filing bankruptcy. Now a reformed people pleaser, perfectionist and workaholic who {confesses to having} made every mistake possible, she has been featured in national publications like Cosmopolitan and Entrepreneur Magazine as a modern-day business leader. Through years of learning, hard work, planning, trial and error, persistence and a clear-but strategy for success, she has rebuilt and grown her business from the ground up! Coach T. Renee is SUPER passionate about helping women entrepreneurs DO THE WORK through step-by-step systems for building a passive revenue business models, attracting more clients, and