Redefine™ With Host Robb Braun

Leading Life Large™ - Let's Start BIG!



Leading Life Large™ is a weekly Monday opportunity for you to look closely at your life and ask yourself the question, "Am I living life full on?” For many women, life has meant sacrifices that may have in the moment intended to be temporary, but became a permanent part of life. Life unfulfilled, life without passion and excitement, life without a grand purpose. Leading Life Large™ will get you back on track. Robb Braun has for years been completely committed to living life on his own terms and has helped countless others get back to the essence of who they are and their purpose for being on the planet. In Leading Life Large™, Robb will remind you again of what's important to you by shining a light on the areas of your life where you have settled and stop feeling the passion. Leading Life Large™ will become your Monday Morning Must!