Redefine™ With Host Robb Braun

Success in 2013? Have the Difficult Conversation!



Leading Life Large™ - now on You Tube!                                                         When working with my corporate clients and we delve into the issue of resolving conflict in the workspace, I site that number one of cause of conflict is a lack of or misunderstood communication.  And, communications -  good,  effective and good intentioned communications - is the key to getting back into what I call good relationship with others.  Same is true for us in our personal and business lives.  Conflict arises from a communication break down and as long as the conflict exists, that relationship will wear us down and impact that and every area of our life.  Difficult, actually, scary as it may be, we must have those conversations if we are expecting to have the incredible successes we aspire.  Don't and we won't.