Dads Of Great Students

#138 Dr. Keith Jowers - Dad4Life



Keith has over twenty-five years of Law Enforcement experience including School Resource Officer and Officer Friendly. He has served his local church for over twenty years as youth leader, providing financial counseling, conducting divorce recovery classes, and much more.  He has a Doctorate in Leadership Organization , Masters in Counseling, as well as Bachelors in Marketing.  Keith has worked with youth for over twenty-five years and through all his experiences now encourages, interacts and works with Dads on various issues they may be going through personally or with their children. Keith’s own Father died when Keith was only eleven years old, so he knows what it is like to grow up without a Dad through those important teen years. As an early divorced young man, Keith discovered one thing…that he could still keep a connection with is only daughter by choosing too. Together they wrote a book,  called Part-Time Dad, Full-Time Heart and speak whenever possible.