Mom Biz Solutions With Lara Galloway, The Mom Biz Coach

How to Warm Up Your Leads - Mom Biz Solutions Show



Welcome back, Friends! I've been on my summer hiatus and am ready to bring you some more great business coaching and life coaching tips now that my kids are back in school. In today's audio blog, I'll be talking about how to warm up some leads that may have grown cold over the summer (or the year)... These are the folks who have bought from you before or sent you referrals, but who you may not have connected with in some time. Listen as I share WHY it's important to re-establish those relationships and HOW to build them up again. Join Lara Galloway, The Mom Biz Coach, on Wednesdays at 10 am ET for her 15 minute "audio blog." Get your weekly dose of business coaching for mombiz owners from a straight-talking mompreneur who wants you to succeed on your own terms. Expect helpful tips on improving your mindset, managing your business and your life, and marketing your small business. Lara offers business coaching along with mothering tips, small business marketing strategies, and funny stories about the joys a