Mom Biz Solutions With Lara Galloway, The Mom Biz Coach

5 Tips for Successful Video Marketing-MomBiz Solutions Show



When people need to learn how to do something, they are very likely to turn to YouTube these days to find a video that helps them out. So when your prospect or customer goes looking for solutions to their problems, do they find your videos, or your competitors'? And considering that most of our "searches" in today's world start with the almighty Google, and considering that Google owns YouTube, it's probably time for you to learn how to make video marketing a part of your marketing strategy. Tune in today as I share 5 Tips for Successful Video Marketing for mom entrepreneurs. It's fast, it's easy, and it's inexpensive to get powerful videos on the internet and working to bring you more ideal clients! Join Lara Galloway, The Mom Biz Coach, on Wednesdays at 10 am ET for her 15 minute "audio blog." Get your weekly dose of business coaching for mombiz owners from a straight-talking mompreneur business coach who wants you to succeed on your own terms. Lara offers business coaching along with mothering tips, sma