James Miller | Lifeology

Strategies to Overcome Adversity - Guest: Rosanna Ferrari, P.A.



In today’s episode learn how to overcome the adversity you are currently facing. We all are blindsided by life’s struggles and may experience feelings of self-pity and defeat. On whatever you think becomes your reality. If you internalize your current situation with feelings that you are inferior then you will live a life always second-guessing yourself and you may not reach your highest potential. The life events you experience are simply events. They do not define you. For a more in-depth study of overcoming adversity, enroll in the Lifeology Academy at JamesMillerLifeology.com and take the class, “When all hell breaks loose.” I created it specifically for individuals who feel like they have no control in their lives and are overwhelmed at every turn. Learn key strategies and techniques to overcome whatever you are facing. My guest today is Rosanna Ferrari, PA who is a prominent divorce attorney who practices family law. She shares her incredible story of how she overcame adversity in her own life and the