James Miller | Lifeology

Analyzing your core beliefs: Guest - Brenda Michaels



The belief system we create as children becomes the template we use to navigate the world as adults. It's necessary for each of us to analyze what our core beliefs are to see if they are hindering us from becoming the person we desire to be. Today, you will learn tools and techniques to determine if your core beliefs are helping or hindering you in your life's journey. Brenda Michaels is an author, and radio and talk show host who shares her incredible story of how she battled and overcame cancer. She shares her struggles of her core beliefs as she sought answers through prayer as well as changing her outlook on life. For more information visit about Brenda please visit:  www.IntentionalShift.com www.ConsciousTalk.net For more information about James Miller and to purchase his latest album, Restoration visit:JamesMillerLifeology.com.  Subscribe to this Podcast and to YouTube channel: JamesMillerLifeology where you will receive daily lessons. In this lesson you hear about theAcademy course, Spirit, Mind, Bod