James Miller | Lifeology

The importance of expressing your emotions: Guest - David Ingerson



Many of us have been told we shouldn't feel a certain way, we should get over something and move on, or even that real men don't cry. I'm not sure the origin of this, but nonetheless it's what is often taught. One of the amazing things about being a human is experiencing the full spectrum of emotion. All emotions have their purpose, not only to express our thoughts and feelings, but an actual physiological purpose. Understanding the purpose of your feelings will give you insight into why you are much healthier when you express them appropriately. Author, David Ingerson shares his heart-wrenching story of how he and his family dealt with the loss of their toddler son. He shares his own struggles with emotional expression and how liberated he felt once he was able to express them in a healthy way. www.TheCalebYears.com. For more information about James Miller visit:  www.JamesMillerLifeology.com.  Subscribe to this Podcast and to YouTube channel: JamesMillerLifeology where you will receive daily lessons. At J