Wanda's Picks

Wanda's Picks 11th Anniversary Show



This tenth Anniversary Month (August 2018) ends with a MASH-up. . . clips from shows over the past decade. Can't play everything . . . there are so many shows (1061). Funny, August 2008, I only had 1 shows and the next month I had a few more broadcasts. I have 1061 published episodes. This is 106 episodes a year. My average is 8 shows a month which is 2 shows a week. I remember sometimes having more than two shows a week and sometimes less.I am still interested in being syndicated. I just need to find my hours in the day. I am happy to have a dedicated audience who follow Wanda's Picks. (2019 update: 1174 published episodes with 259,070 listens).  There are two clips August 29 & Sept. 5, 2008. We revisit the Gulf Region and see what's going on there on the ground in Louisiana and Mississippi by speaking to Jackie and King. Jackie lives in the 7th Ward. King lives in Austin. Katrina destroyed his home. Next, Tayo Aluko joins us to talk about Call Mr. Robeson, a fundraiser for Mumia Abu Jamal, Se