Lina Jones Diamondnetwork Show

Talent In 10 Episode #6 Halloween



What's Up #Diamonds, Welcome to another episode of the Talent In 10 Project with one more week left to go and that will be it for October 2015. It's been #fun but it's time to move on... next month is turkey month and not too long after that will be Xmas all over again! Time for my Holiday Show 2015. I Hope you all will join me and some social friends that will be calling-in sharing their holiday plans and traditions with us, keep listening and supporting this show I can't thank you enough and I love you all. Don't forget daylight savings time is next weekend your clocks will go back an hour which gives us an hour more to sleep. I know I'm looking forward to that! Being that this is the month for all scary things for the Talent In 10 Project I decided to have spooky movies. I don’t really care for a lot of gorey movies so I chose sci-fi spooky, which is not always about blood and guts cluster pretty good if I do say so, my selection of movies are very entertaining you'll like them. Sit back, relax and put t