Channel Of Light With Krista Moore

The Purpose of Life: Guidance from the Angels



Discover Your Life Purpose by Connecting with the Angels The miracle of life is discovering why we are here and being able to live that fully. That is what it means to live a miraculous life! If you need help or support in discovering that, this is the show for you! Krista Moore channels the angelic realm to receive powerful messages and healing energies to help you on your path.   Krista Moore is an Angelic Channel, Healer, Cert. Metaphysical Hypnotist (CH) and Certified Spiritual Director. She channels the angels, archangels, God/Christ consciousness, Ascended masters and guides, only of the highest realms. She also transmpits powerful healing energies, sounds and songs that change your vibration at the cellular, mental and emotional level to help you live a miraculous life! LIVE CALLER INSTRUCTIONS: Due to popular demand - please call in at least 10 min prior to show time for a chance for Krista to channel live for you. No gaurantees so show up early and we'll do our best to give you a spot on the sho