Channel Of Light With Krista Moore

Discover Your Unique Gifts from the Angels



Discover Your Unique Gifts and How They Help You and the Angels! This is like Part II from our last show The Purpose of Life. Everyone has a unique purpose in life, but you may not always be aware of how special you are - not better than others, but perfect and holy and blessed with unique gifts. What are yours? Let's find out! Ask Krista and the Angels and find your way to a more miraculous life! Krista Moore is an Channeler/Healer who accesses the Angelic realms throughd deep trance hypnosis. Callers report feeling lighter, happier and truly blessed to receive the messages and healing energies that come through. For more about Krista's unique work and gifts and how they can help you find yours, go to LIVE CALLER INSTRUCTIONS: Due to popular demand - please call in at least 10 min prior to show time for a chance for Krista to channel live for you. No gaurantees so show up early and we'll do our best to give you a spot on the show! SAFETY & GROUNDING INSTRUCTIONS: As this show