Channel Of Light With Krista Moore

The Breath of Life into You - Messages from God, Christ and the Angels



The Breath of Life from God, Christ and the Angels for your Healing, Joy and Purpose Unplanned. Unscripted. Krista has just been guided to do a spontaneous show outside of the normal time, to "Breathe the Life" into all those who need it. If you are listening, this is for you! If you are struggling, if you have depression, if you are need of great care - This is for your healing, clearing, and awakening to the Highest energies of Life. I hope you enjoy it. Write your comments below.   Krista Moore is an Angelic Healer, Channel, Metaphysical Hypnotist and Spiritual Director who channels the Angelic realms, God, Christ and other Ascended beings.  More healing and miracles at