Inside Lenz Network

Shattered Lives: Books for Children



Christine Duminiak is a parent, a Certified Grief Recovery Specialist, radio co-host, author, speaker, founder of Prayer Wave for After-Death Communication, and an internationally recognized expert on afterlife signs. She is a Member of the National Alliance for Grieving Children. Christine’s 3 children’s books  are to bring awareness about how common afterlife visits and signs are, especially when it comes to children. To help educate children on what death, heaven, God, and afterlife visits are. That our loved ones are with us always and can still see and hear us. Published author of two previous books, Karen Beaudin presents, The Kirby Boys' Adventure: Searching for the Lost Key. This fun mystery is based on Beaudin's three grandsons, Wyatt, Logan, and Tucker. Beaudin is an established author and public speaker; she looks forward to writing about more adventures!  Monica Caision's Safe and Found teaches children that if they should go missing, someone will be searching for them. ***************