Straight Talk With Red Hawk




Haaaaapppppyyyyyy Friday, sweet hawks!!! We made it!!!  I'm so proud of myself, this is the fourth show, and I must say, it feels great to be back doing, what I love to do.  All this energy, all this mouth, all this information, I'm so thankful I have a REAL outlet for it, again. Well, enough about all that, today's topic is, STAY.  Somebody needs to hear something pertaining to the word, STAY, today.  As I'm typing this, Spirit is saying, YOU NEED TO STAY. Okay, okay, that's what I'm gonna do, STAY, stay on this path, stay on this present journey, stay STILL.  Perhaps some of you are wondering, should you stay or should you go...for some reason, you're being told to STAY, today.  Tomorrow, you might be told to FLEE!!!  Anywho, I'm so excited about today's topic, and can't wait to get to delivering the message.  I already know the show is going to go fast, it always does.  As always, if you would like to send in a love offering, to help me acquire the monthly fee of $40 dollars, to make the show longer, pleas