Straight Talk With Red Hawk




Good morning, good morning, good morning!!!  Yes it is, despite a hardship I am facing.  As of today, don't know if I'll be able to do a show tomorrow, but I have faith that things WILL work out.  WOW, I just pulled the card for today, and the topic of today, is, TRUST!!!  So with that being said, I know today is going to be one, heaven of a day.  Why, because I have put MY trust in the only person I can trust, in a time like this, GOD.  Yes, I have been petitioning Him, ALL month, as I know this day was fast approaching.  One things about God is, He will have you on the ledge, ready to jump, and then, yank you back, just in time.  I know, cause I feel, it's His way of buildiing our TRUST and FAITH in Him. Anyway, I could REALLY use some love offerings, right about now, they will certainly make this hardship more easy to bare, and if anyone would want DETAILS, please email me at and it's also the best way to send your love offerings thru  Any help will be appreci