Straight Talk With Red Hawk




Good morning, good morning, GOOD morning!!!  Happy Friday!!!!  We made it!!! WWWoooowwwhhhhoooo!!!  Okay, SORRY, I know some of ya'll ain't morning peeps, and it grates your nerves to see and hear such happiness, THIS early in the morning, and I'll try to keep it down.  But anyway, today's topic is, APOLOGIZE.  Tee hee hee, how appropriate, and I am truly sorry that I'm so happy and excited that it's Friday, but if ya'll had a start to the week, like I did, and you're on the other end of the week, safe and sound, you'd be pretty darn happy too.  So today we gonna talk about the topic, APOLOGIZE, and I think it's a great topic, simply because the word "SORRY" can mean so much, especially if there's action to back it up, cause just merely saying it, and not truly meaning it, backing it up with the action that will prove, that it was sincere, is not enough.  Anywho, as always, if you'd like to drop the Hawkie a love offering, please do so, thru, using the email address, redhawk1967@hotmail.