Straight Talk With Red Hawk




Good morning, good morning, GOOD morning, happy 2nd day of February, and Monday morning to ya!!! Hopefully your weekend was great, and the team that you were rooting for, won, if not, oh well, they might not have been your favorite team anyway, but hopefully, you had a grand time watching it.  Well today's topic is, FRIENDSHIP.  This is an easy subject to talk about, simply because the topic of friendship, in this day and age, is a very important topic, indeed.  How many friends do you have, let me rephrase that, how many TRUE friends do you have.  You know, the ones who you can call on when your back is up against the wall, for whatever reasons.  Perhaps you need a place to crash, a bit of food, or some cash, do you have people in your life that are available, when you need someone the most?  Hopefully you haven't had to need someone for any of those, and they weren't there for you, but if so, at least you found out if you could, or could not count on them.  That doesn't mean that they're, not necessarily yo