Straight Talk With Red Hawk




Good morning, good morning, GOOD morning!!!  Happy FOREAL humph day!!!  Yesterday is the second time, I've thought it was Wednesday, and it was really Tuesday, what's up with that??? Anyway, today's topic is, SELF-REFLECTION. Time to take a look at who you are, and make peace with yourself, if you don't like who you are.  Making peace can be as simple as, saying to self, "I accept you for who you are, but I'm gonna need for us to make some changes".  A lot of times, who we are, or who we've become is based on how others have treated us, mistreated us, what have you.  Refuse to carry the hurt, pain and shame of what others have done to you, release it.  From today on, see yourself as the best you, you can possibly be, and make the necessary changes to feel GREAT about who you are, despite, it ALL.  None of us are perfect, and accepting who you are, right now, can help you to become the better person, that you achieve to be.  SELF-REFLECTION does not mean, to beat up on yourself. It's just examing you, taking a