Straight Talk With Red Hawk




Good morning, good morning, GOOD morning!!!  What a beautiful, Thursday morning it is, at least where I am.  Cold withstanding, the sun is shining brighter than it was allowed to yesterday.  There's more snow on the ground, just enough to say, wow, it really snowed, so that's okay.  But anywho, today's topic is, COMPASSION, and what an on-time topic this is.  The world has seemingly chopped off the "com," and we've been left with nothing but passion, and that's not always a good thing.  People are passionately, killing one another, passionately, betraying one another, passionately, becoming more and more, self-absorbed, so there's plenty of passion going on, we just need to add "com" back in front of it. All it would take is a simple act of kindness, a small gesture of reaching out, when one is in need, something that would put a smile on the recipients face, and leave a lasting impression.  The fact that so many are in need of emotional support, spiritual support, mental support, as well as financial support